Sony PlayStation 5 console with ps5 gamepad

Sony PlayStation 5 console with ps5 gamepad
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 67.97 MB
The design of the DualSense gamepad is made as similar as possible to the original, according to photos from the official site
Sony said the PlayStation 5 will be available at the end of 2020. However, the exact release date is unknown, and is likely to be announced in July.
The archive includes:
3dsMax 2015 Scenes
FBX and OBJ File
Textures and materials
Who works in the V-Ray version lower than 3.1, be careful, in the materials in the BRDF section there is Microfaset GTR (GGX), if your version is older than 3.1, then the BRDF field will be empty. Choose Blinn, Phong or Ward - which is preferable for you.