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Mograph - C4D to Spark AR Crash-Course: From Cinema 4D to publishing a filter in Spark AR within 1 h...

Mograph - C4D to Spark AR Crash-Course: From Cinema 4D to publishing a filter in Spark AR within 1 h...
Mograph ? C4D to Spark AR Crash-Course: From Cinema 4D to publishing a filter in Spark AR within 1 hour
Duration 1h MP4
C4D to Spark AR Crash-Course: From Cinema 4D to publishing a filter in Spark AR within 1 hour.
Instructed by Don Allen Stevenson III.
Presented in 2K Resolution!
Runtime: ~47 Minutes*

What will I learn?
Don will show you how to take a basic, animated model in Cinema 4D, export it in the correct format, import it into Spark AR, make sure it?s animating and placed correctly, apply a texture, add an environment, and upload for approval. This course is not about the complicated inner-workings of Spark AR, but rather the workflow between programs. It will help kick-start your understanding of the process so you can begin your AR journey. Subsequent mini-courses will cover other various topics in the world of Spark AR.

Software Covered:
Spark AR, Cinema4D R18+, Photoshop (Briefly)
06-Dec-20 Admin 356 0
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