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[Tutorials] Pluralsight - Maya Dynamics: Using Particles to Create Magical Smoke

[Tutorials] Pluralsight - Maya Dynamics: Using Particles to Create Magical Smoke
Pluralsight – Maya Dynamics: Using Particles to Create Magical Smoke
Have you ever wondered how to simulate the magical smoke in tales of ‘Arabian Nights’? This course, Maya Dynamics: Using Particles to Create Magical Smoke, is all about learning and mastering the techniques of how to simulate the complex behavior of Magical Smoke. First, you will discover the most effective methods to block out the particle system and fluid containers. Next, you will improve fluid container settings to create the complex smoke simulations. Finally, you will learn the art of rendering fluids in Arnold, which is a next generation rendering engine now available with Maya as the default renderer. When you are finished with this course, you will be familiar with new ways of controlling the complex fluid system. Software required: Maya 2017 and After Effects CS-6.

31-Oct-16 Admin 1 268 0
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