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[Tutorials] Tutsplus - Introduction to Video Editing

[Tutorials] Tutsplus - Introduction to Video Editing

Tutsplus - Introduction to Video Editing

Capturing high-quality video has never been easier, but capturing video is only part of the storytelling process. And it doesn't even have to be storytelling; it could be sharing an experience, presenting information, or covering news. To get video from its raw form to a finished, watchable piece, it needs to be edited.

A lot of folks think video editing is complicated and hard to learn. But it doesn't have to be! In this course you will learn the basics of video editing. You will learn how to import and organize your footage and assets, how to trim clips and add them to a timeline, and how to sweeten audio. You will learn about color correction and grading, video effects and transitions, and more! And you will be learning all of this while you are working on footage that is provided with this course. This way you can follow along and get real, hands-on experience.

27-Feb-16 Admin 615 0
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