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[Tutorials] Tutsplus - Advanced Photo Manipulation Techniques (2015) [17 Mp4, 1 Zip Source Files]

[Tutorials] Tutsplus - Advanced Photo Manipulation Techniques (2015) [17 Mp4, 1 Zip Source Files]

Tutsplus - Advanced Photo Manipulation Techniques (2015) [17 Mp4, 1 Zip Source Files]
English | Size: 2.44 GB (2,623,680,306 bytes )

In this course you will learn some advanced photo manipulation techniques and create a detailed lava-filled landscape in Adobe Photoshop. We'll be using patterns and custom brushes with a wide range of techniques to create a powerful-looking image.
Advanced Photo Manipulation Techniques

with Lewis Moorhead
Released: 29 Jun 2015

Lessons: 17
Length: 3.9 hours
Categories: Photo Manipulation - Adobe Photoshop - Graphic Design

2 lessons, 06:40

1.1 Introduction 03:23
1.2 Source Images 03:17

2.Creating the Composition
10 lessons, 2:40:28

2.1 Document Setup and Foreground 13:45
2.2 Finishing the Landscape 17:17
2.3 Adding Our Sky 16:12
2.4 Using Lava Patterns 16:30
2.5 Perspective Tools 16:09
2.6 Colour Dodge 16:03
2.7 Adding Cracks 16:25
2.8 Adding Smoke and Creating a Smoke Brush 15:13
2.9 Smoke Highlighting 16:48
2.10 Rock Adjustments 16:06

3.Adjustments and Final Steps
4 lessons, 1:05:57

3.1 Finalising the Smoke 16:45
3.2 Blending the Subject 16:02
3.3 Lightning and Rock Brushes 16:18
3.4 Filters and Adjustments 16:52

1 lesson, 03:23

4.1Conclusion 03:23
Banned No

28-Oct-15 Admin 1 211 0
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