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Digital Tutors - Designing a Concert Poster in Photoshop - reup

Digital Tutors - Designing a Concert Poster in Photoshop - reup

Digital Tutors - Designing a Concert Poster in Photoshop
Software: Photoshop CS6 | Project Files: Included | 2.07 GB

In this Photoshop tutorial, we'll learn how to create a stylized poster.
We?ll start by masking out the guitarist's backdrop using the quick selection tool and the refine edges features. Next, we'll to set up the poster to the required size and add bleed margins, then explain why they are needed for print projects such as this.

We'll also explore how to produce cool crowd silhouettes from stock photos using channel selections. After this, we'll execute a dynamic stylized look for the guitarist using a combination of both the posterize and threshold adjustments. We'll then effectively add mixed media elements to the composition.

Finally, we?ll add text to the final composition by using Typekit to select new fonts that fit the poster design before finally administering texture to the text to add more drama to the piece.

By the end of this Photoshop training, you?ll be more comfortable working with the various elements in your own concert poster.

13-Oct-15 Admin 429 0
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