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[Plugins] Hot Door CADTools 10.0.2 for Illustrator CS6-CC 2015

[Plugins] Hot Door CADTools 10.0.2 for Illustrator CS6-CC 2015
Hot Door CADTools 10.0.2 for Illustrator CS6-CC 2015
Sail through any design project with CADtools 10 for Adobe Illustrator. Draw in any scale, edit and dimension vector artwork with a mouse-click, and numerically control objects or points. All 87 tools and 12 panels are elegant, easy, and powerful to make every journey smooth and successful.
CADtools 10 glides with simplicity, offering hundreds of new scalable symbols, built-in help, and a friendly dashboard for controlling all CAD features. Conquer the seas with sinuous waves, precise grids, and repeated objects along paths – all within the world’s leading drawing application.

New features added in CADtools 10:
Instantly reference help with in-app, context-sensitive user guide and 1-minute video tutorials
View cursor tips that prompt how to use tools
Access hundreds of editable symbols for architecture, people, and landscape that automatically scale to the target layer
Organize CADtools tools and panels in one location with CADdashboard
Easily access tool settings with improvements in the CADcontrol bar
Add scale markers to maps and other designs with the Scale Line tool
Repeat objects with precision with Repeat and Repeat Along Path tools
Create precision signage using the Scaled Type tool
Click-drag grids in a snap
Click-drag waves or create them numerically
Transform objects independently on their own axes in CADtracker
Add company logos to CADtools title blocks
Select new units for extremely small and large scales
19-May-16 Admin 741 0
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