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[Tutorials] Udemy - Advanced Environment Texturing Methods in Photoshop

[Tutorials] Udemy - Advanced Environment Texturing Methods in Photoshop
Udemy - Advanced Environment Texturing Methods in Photoshop

Learn rare and valuable Photoshop processes for creating photoreal diffuse textures from a 13-year Industry Veteran.
In this course, I'll take you through the techniques I've used and refined over the years to help me create very high quality, high resolution tiling photoreal diffuse textures using only Photoshop. I'll start by explaining all the techniques individually, then move on to showing how I use all the techniques to take a texture from start to finish.

Best results are achieved using a pressure-sensitive tablet. Many techniques shown here don't require the latest version of Photoshop.

The course won't take hours to complete and you'll see results immediately. I'm confident the methods I use aren't found anywhere else online, so I'm certain you'll learn something new!

10-Mar-16 Admin 787 0
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