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[Tutorials] FXPHD - NUK306 Production Nuke Finishing - repost

[Tutorials] FXPHD - NUK306 Production Nuke Finishing - repost

FXPHD - NUK306 Production Nuke Finishing

In this advanced level NUKE course, members explore what it takes to truly take a shot to final, from a film visual effects perspective. Professor Alex Fry, fresh off his stint as lead compositor at Animal Logic for The Great Gatsby, works through several scenes of a recent independent project and show advanced techniques for getting great composites in NUKE.

Many artists are under the impression that getting a shot to final relies merely on technical correctness and creative polish. While those are obviously two major factors, an often-overlooked influenced can be the most critical: the client. And by client that could be a paying client or -- at a facility -- the person the artist is working for: a sequence supervisor, vfx supervisor, director, or even the studio. The reality is that finalling a shot isn't really about any particular skill, but rather responding to feedback correctly and giving people up the chain what they want.

Alex works through advanced techniques and knowledge required for compositing, such as utilizing position data and mastering camera techniques. While at the same time shows how to correctly address feedback from reviews over the iterative process of finalling a shot.
24-Oct-15 Admin 901 0
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