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Dark Forest Tutorial Series - English

Dark Forest Tutorial Series  - English

Dark Forest Tutorial Series | 3.13 GB

Dark Forest is a series of tutorials that covers the whole process of creation of a promotional video in which a camera flies through a forest and shows some glowing titles with the beat of a soundtrack. The tutorials go from the inception of the project, its preproduction and organization, through the whole modelling, sculpting, texturing and animation stage up to the render (with Cycles), lighting and compositing!
Dark Forest is crafted to fit into a DVD, so you can burn the full course, print the cover designs and put it in your shelf!
I?ve put all my knowledge together to create a high quality product from which you can learn a lot. While the tutorials show how to create a forest, everything is thought in a way that you can extract the workflow and the essence of the whole series to overcome any other type of project and know what steps you should follow. Also, it includes the Production Files so you can mess around with the .blend files and start at any point of the process just by loading the desired file.


Dark Forest Tutorial Series  - English

19-Sep-15 Admin 558 0
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