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[Tutorials] Photoshop for Photographers

[Tutorials] Photoshop for Photographers

Photoshop for Photographers
Video: wmv3, 952x536, 700 Kb / s, 1000 K / | Audio: wma v2, 44.1 kHz, 96 Kb / s

Photoshop can be overwhelming. Master the art of Adobe Photoshop by focusing just on the tools photographers need to know. Ben Willmore has taught over 100,000 photographers all over the world and brings his unique style to creativeLIVE this August.
Optimizing images, sharpening, retouching, black and white conversion, directing the viewer's eye, HDR, panorama-stitching, and more, all the things photographers do with Photoshop. But he's not going to dig into every option in every menu--this three day course will have no fluff and no frills. You won't be wasting any time and energy learning effects that you'll never use, leaving you struggling to find the meat you need. Everything Ben will teach in this course is something that photographers use everyday!


Day 1
Camera RAW: Exposure & Contrast
Camera RAW Q&A
Camera RAW: Color
Understanding Histograms
Camera RAW: Localized Changes
Understanding Saturation Clipping
Camera RAW: Noise Reduction & Lens Correction
Curves Q&A
Keyboard Shortcuts & Adjustment Layers
Review of Curves & Adjustment Layers
Day 2
Pre-Show Banter
Review of Day 1 Process
Advanced Layer and Masking Techniques
Using Curves with Color
Color Correction
Color Correction Q&A
Example Photos with Curves and Adjustments
BONUS: Printing Tips
Advanced Retouching
Directing the Viewer's Eye
Day 3
Day 3 Pre-Show Banter
Fixing Lens Flare
Hiding Clouds
Color, Hue, and Saturation
Essential Keyboard Shortcuts
Technical Issues
Preparing Images for the Web
Exposure Bracketing and Photo Stacking
Blending Modes
Review and Q&A
File Formats
Brush Tools
Transplanting Clouds
Selective Focus
Converting to B&W
Color Spaces
Thanks + Credits
Fixing Extreme Problems
Sharpening Images
Day 3 Wrap-Up

07-May-15 Admin 1 517 0
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