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CodeCanyon - Uper v1.0.0 - Back to Top Button for Elementor - 33490322

CodeCanyon - Uper v1.0.0 - Back to Top Button for Elementor - 33490322
CodeCanyon - Uper v1.0.0 - Back to Top Button for Elementor - 33490322
The Uper is a lightweight WordPress plugin for Elementor to add a back-to-top button to your website without any coding knowledge. This small tool will help improve the user experience what affects conversion positively. Just a few clicks are required to add a button to your pages to any convenient place. The plugin allows you to set both a regular and a sticky button in one of the eight available positions. The Uper button can lead not only to the top of the page but also to a specific page element using an anchor. With the detailed settings, you can specify when the back-to-top item should appear and hide, select hover/appearance animation. The fully customizable button offers to change the name and shape or select an icon from the Font Awesome library. Moreover, the widget provides a circular indicator feature of the page scrolling with the ability to manage display styles. Using the plugin, you can get a unique back-to-top element, styled according to your site design with a minimum of effort and time.

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19-Aug-21 Admin 264 0
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