GraphicRiver - Square Trifold Brochure DoubleInk - 6420926

GraphicRiver - Square Trifold Brochure DoubleInk
INDD | Print Dimensions: 210x210 | Layered | 73 MB
Minimal and Professional Square Trifold Brochure template for creative businesses, created in Adobe InDesign.
Two paper sizes included: US Letter and International A4.
This Square Trifold Brochure features:
Page size: 210?210 mm (3 mm Bleedings)
CMYK @ 300 DPI – Print-ready
Adobe InDesign for CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6 and CC (.inx, .idml, .indd
2-sided Page Template
Customize any Fonts and Colour
Arrange pages like you want over drag and drop
All files are super organised and full layered.
Fonts and images
Exo –
or customise fonts to match your brand.
Customize colors and fonts
This templates is completely customisable to suite your brands colours and corporate fonts.
Files types included:
Indesign .indd file
Indesign .idml file
Indesign .inx file
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