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AliasEDU - Building Composite Backgrounds by Antti Karppinen

AliasEDU - Building Composite Backgrounds by Antti Karppinen
AliasEDU - Building Composite Backgrounds by Antti Karppinen
Duration 1h 30m Project Files Included MP4
Creating composite backgrounds
Making realistic and good looking background elements for your images is not an easy task. Creating composite backgrounds is a new AliasEDU workshop that will guide you to create amazing background elements for your images or digital art projects. Course is planned to be used with Photoshop CC

You will be guided through the best practices of creating background elements by internationally awarded retoucher / digital artist Antti Karppinen.

Building composite backgrounds is our new online workshop focusing on building good looking composite backgrounds. If you are a digital artist or need additional background elements for your projects this workshop is perfect for you. You will get all the needed images to follow the workshop step by step as we proceed creating these amazing images from various stock images.

Workshop contents:

Horizon, perspective, size
Matching contrast of the elements
Matching saturation
Matching tones
Finalizing image
We will go through these best practices through three (3) different demo images.
15-Jan-22 Admin 148 0
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