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Wingfox - Can Factory - Full Creation Process of C4D Original Scene Design

Wingfox - Can Factory - Full Creation Process of C4D Original Scene Design
Wingfox - Can Factory - Full Creation Process of C4D Original Scene Design
Duration 7h Project Files Included MP4
This course is a complete break-down of C4D original scene design "can factory". Starting from modeling and scene building to the subject - can factory and model refinement methods, the course also contains R20 volume modeling and UV unwrapping. Such scenes can be well used in the production of e-commerce projects and stylized work creation.

The course uses Octane tenderer for stylized product lighting, building scenes, node editor creation and methods and techniques to quickly make beautiful car rendering scenes, including lighting arrangements, rendering settings, etc., all the above mentioned are covered in this course. If you are a C4D enthusiast and practitioner, don't miss such a case practice, from the basic modeling methods to mastery of the software.
27-Dec-21 Admin 104 0
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