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3 Sci-Fi Barrels

3 Sci-Fi Barrels

Three low-poly PBR-textured unique design crates that can be used to improve sci-fi environment look in your game or scene.

game ready;
VR/AR ready;

Package includes:
.blend file with all render and materials set-up
blend file (blender 2.8.2) with a properly collection sorted setup + .max file with a properly layer sorted setup (2012); both .max and .blend files include all meshes (11940 tris in general) and mesh colliders (768 tris in general)
properly smoothing groups set-up for 3DsMax and hard-soft edge set-up for Blender
.unitypackage file with all configured prefab assets; 3 materials with 4K textures assigned (Albedo, Metallic-Smoothness, Normal, Occlusion)
support Unity versions 2018.4.23f1 or higher
separated .fbx and separated .obj file formats


Blender 2.8.2 (.blend)705 KB
Autodesk 3ds Max (.max)1.43 MB
OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (4 files)1020 KB
Autodesk FBX (.fbx) (2 files)501 KB
Unity 3D 2018.4.23f1 (.unitypackage, .prefab)48.6 MB
21-Dec-21 Admin 130 0
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