Origami Dog

There is one mesh of a very lowpoly dog with a basic shader.
No texture, a simple box setup. No Need smooth.
You can use it for painting or you can make your own setup.
Mesh : 313 poly
Made in proportion.
Metric in centimenters.
Software : 3Dsmax 2018. Renderer : VRay.
/!\ The scene contains the object and the environement map. Not the studio with vray light and camera.
Autodesk 3ds Max 201 (.max)756 KB
Autodesk FBX (.fbx)48.4 KB
Marmoset Toolbag (.tbscene, .tbmat)124 KB
OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)41.9 KB
3D Studio (.3ds)18.1 KB