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Creative Shrimp - Procedural Texturing Blender Master Class

Creative Shrimp - Procedural Texturing Blender Master Class
Creative Shrimp - Procedural Texturing Blender Master Class
Duration 4h 30m Project Files Included MP4
What is procedural texturing?
Procedural texturing transforms simple math into boundless photorealistic shaders with infinite variety and resolution.
Go beyond image textures that look like a mush of pixels close-up, and wield the power of procedural textures with crisp details and no repeated patterns in sight.
Are you playing with node sliders and getting some interesting results but not really sure what is happening under the hood? With a firm grasp of the inner workings of nodes, you'll be confident in tweaking the parameters to get the precise effect you want.

What You'll Learn
A wealth of procedural texturing techniques
How to create a realistic procedural mossy wall shader from scratch

Procedural texturing workflow
The material nodes essentials
Pro tips for utilizing the power of nodes in Blender
Tips for organizing your node trees and keep your sanity

Instructor: Luca Rood
Hi, I'm Luca Rood and I am a 3D Software Developer, Researcher, and Technical Artist, with over a decade of experience with Blender, and a long term passion for procedural node-based workflows in particular.
If you want to follow my work, check out my Twitter.

What's Inside?
Video Info: 4.5+ hours, 1920x1080, MP4 format
55+ Videos
The full process of creating a realistic mossy wall procedural shader in Blender
Tips and tricks of procedural noding
Project Files (Including the brickwall Ubershader!)
Software: Blender 2.9x
Skill Level: Intermediate
02-Dec-21 Admin 124 0
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