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HB Modelling Bundle 2.34 for Cinema 4D

HB Modelling Bundle 2.34 for Cinema 4D
HB Modelling Bundle 2.34 for Cinema 4D
70+ Scripts for Modelling in CINEMA 4D, a Modelling Layout and more. Work faster and be much more productive with HB ModellingBundle.
CINEMA 4D R19-R25 on MacOS and Windows

HB ModellingBundle is a set of over 70 Scripts for CINEMA 4D which are dedicated to 3D-Modelling. The goal of these scripts is to improve workflows and to do many operations a lot faster. This means less clicks and less mousemovement. With HB ModellingBundle you receive not only more than 70 Scripts but also a very well chosen set of shortcuts and a modelling-Layout for C4D. Also a template C4D-Scene which shows tools-settings in the viewport which makes working in Fullscreen mode much easier.

HB ModellingBundle is the result of 10 years working with CINEMA 4D as a professional 3D Generalist. I have begun early to create my custom scripts to make any repetitive process in C4D a lot faster. Over the Years I have added a lot of stuff and the collection is still growing. To get an better Idea about the Bundle you should watch the Videos on youtube to understand the potential for you.
29-Nov-21 Admin 110 0
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