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2021 PBR Banyan - Ficus Benghalensis

2021 PBR Banyan - Ficus Benghalensis

This XfrogPlants Banyan 3D model features one free, highly detailed, fully textured variation of the plant.

2021 XfrogPlants Highest quality Geometry, better than ever before.
High Resolution PBR Textures with Highly Advanced Shaders, individually created for each 3D format. All 2021 Shaders are inspected and approved by each 3D Software manufacturer: (Vray, Unreal, Unity, Corona, Octane, Arnold, Clarisse, Blender, FStorm, and many more) Unreal, Unity, Eevee, include 3 LOD.
Many Species now have Seasons: Blossoms, Fruit, Spring/Summer, Autumn leaves.

Tree, evergreen Height: up to 20 m Origin: India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh Environment: monsoon and rainforests Climate: warm, moist

Notes: The Banyan is most notable for its propagating roots, which grow into sturdy trunks once they reach the ground. It is sometimes called the strangler fig for the way these roots can surround and envelop other trees or even buildings. Old trees can cover an extremely wide area as they grow this way. The Great Banyan, located near Kolkata, India, is over 200 years old, covers over two acres and has hundreds of trunks. The Banyan is also considered sacred in India, and can often be found by temples.


Blender 2.8 (.blend)53.1 MB
Autodesk FBX (.fbx)10.1 MB
OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)27.8 MB
Textures 15 MB
10-Nov-21 Admin 130 0
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