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Caracole - Reserved seating

Caracole - Reserved seating
Caracole - Reserved seating
MAX | TEX | 3D Models | 4.44 MB
This contemporary arm chair takes on dramatic style,
Whisper of the Gold panel that shines off its back. Neutral sateen fabricwith a
Subtle moire pattern fully surrounds the square upper back and seat cushion
That rest on an exposed wood frame, sabre legs and gracefully curved arms
Finished in Seal Skin.This is a low, klismos chair with truly polished appeal.

- One multi-submaterial apllied. You can easily change the materials by drag'n'drop them.
- V-ray 3.0 materials are set up with gamma 2.2.
- Opening without errors.
- Subdivision-ready geometry.
- FBX + OBJ + 3DS formats are included in the archive
- Object at 0.0.0.
10-Nov-21 Admin 120 0
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