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Human Alloy Premium - 00010Pa Bisschop007

Human Alloy Premium - 00010Pa Bisschop007
Human Alloy Premium - 00010Pa Bisschop007
MAX | TEX | 3D Models | 22.38 MB
Package includes:

Model ready for 3ds Max 2013 withVray 3.4
5 mesh resolutions. From ~1 million poly?s to ~25 million poly?s
Normalmaps for each mesh resolution to get all the details of the highest resolution in even the lowest resolution mesh
Digitally grown hair
8192 pixels x 8192 pixel textures and masks
Masks for each material on the model (skin, clothing, etc)
Makes easy color variations possible Example
Custom created shaders for each surface on the model.
10-Nov-21 Admin 120 0
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