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Animation Mentor - Course 03 - Advanced Body Mechanics

Animation Mentor - Course 03 - Advanced Body Mechanics
Animation Mentor - Course 03 - Advanced Body Mechanics
In Advanced Body Mechanics, build on your learning from previous courses to animate increasingly physical shots with your characters. Pick a character and create your own sequence, using cuts to help tell your story. Whether you want to send your character barreling through a wall or jumping out of a plane, Advanced Body Mechanics will teach you the necessary skills to animate physicality and body mechanics believably.

Learn How to:

- Use staging and composition to tell your story, including how to help your audience understand the progression of your story
- Use editing to craft a sequence out of multiple shots, and convey storytelling and action across your sequence
- Build on your existing body mechanics to improve your ability to animate physical shots like running, crawling, and even climbing with
Stella or Stan
- Delve deeper into advanced techniques of anticipation, overlapping action, and timing and spacing
- Utilize best practices of storytelling through cuts
- Incorporate appeal into your animation, including staging, exaggeration, aesthetics, and more
07-Nov-21 Admin 174 0
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