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Picture Frame, Aluminum Widow, Glass Door Generator for 3ds Max Plugins

Picture Frame, Aluminum Widow, Glass Door Generator for 3ds Max Plugins
Picture Frame, Aluminum Widow, Glass Door Generator for 3ds Max Plugins

Picture Frame Generator v2.0 for 3ds Max

Picture Frame Generator is a script that is efficient in automatically creating picture frame 3D model in 3dsMax.
Containing many styles of frames, it can be applied flexibly in Archviz projects while saving a lot of time for 3D artists.


.: Choose System Units Setup first

.: Don't move the object when editing parameter

.: Don't switch tabs when editing parameter

.: Press convert to poly to create more new object


.: Compatible:3dsMax 2018 and higher

.: Version:2.0

.: Author: Wuan Hyu


The best way for using this script is on clean scene.

Aluminum Window Generator v2.0 for 3ds Max

Aluminum Window Generator is a script that is efficient in automatically creating 3D window models in 3dsMax.
With 28 styles of window, it can be applied flexibly in Archviz projects while saving a lot of time for 3D artists.


.: Choose System Units first

.: Don't move the object when editing parameter

.: Don't switch tabs when editing parameter

.: Press convert to poly before creating new object


.: Compatible: 3dsMax 2018 and higher

.: Version: 2.0

.: Author: Wuan Hyu
Glass Door Generator v2.0 for 3ds Max

Glass Door Generator is a script that is efficient in automatically creating 3D glass door models in 3dsMax.
With 6 styles of glass door, it can be applied flexibly in Archviz projects while saving a lot of time for 3D artists.

.: Choose System Unit Setup fisrt

.: Don't move the object when editing parameter

.: Don't switch tabs when editing parameter

.: Press convert to poly to create more new object

.: Compatible with 3dsMax 2018 and higher

.: Version: 2.0

.: Author: Wuan Hyu
28-Oct-21 Admin 115 0
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