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Gumroad - Full Portrait Editing Tutorial

Gumroad - Full Portrait Editing Tutorial
Gumroad - Full Portrait Editing Tutorial
In this tutorial, I do a complete step-by-step walkthrough on how I edit all of my Instagram portrait work. We are going to be using Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop, prior knowledge is useful but it is not necessary.

What's Included:

* Video tutorial that showcases my editing process/techniques from start to finish

* The RAW file so you can follow along with me (please note that this is just for the tutorial, you may not post the image anywhere online)

* A Frequency Separation action to make your skin retouching workflow faster.

* The Lightroom Preset that I used to color grade the image

What's Covered:

* How to color grade images in Lightroom

* How to get rid of blemishes and make the skin tone even using Frequency Separation

* How to Dodge/Burn to add more dimension to the photo and make it pop

* How to add more color using Photoshop & Camera Raw

* How to use adjustment layers to emphasize light/shadow & color

* How to make eyes pop

* How to save & sharpen your image for Instagram
25-Oct-21 Admin 112 0
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