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WingFox - Lady Gunslinger - A tutorial of production of a model of a fair lady character

WingFox - Lady Gunslinger - A tutorial of production of a model of a fair lady character
WingFox - Lady Gunslinger - A tutorial of production of a model of a fair lady character
Duration 40h Project Files Included MP4
This tutorial aims to teach you how to make your personal design based on what you already have. We mainly use DAZ basic model and UV maps to complete your design efficiently. This tutorial will be based on a case study of the lady gunslinger. We will go through the production of maps, accessory, clothes, hair, lighting rendering and a simple composition in PS to produce the final work.

A big fan of model production with 4 years of production experience. His products are mainly female characters and he aspires to finish 100 female character models. Although his experience in production project is limited, the lecturer has a highly efficient exclusive procedure in making models with high quality, which will help you make fine character models.

Software: Maya2018 ; XGen ; ZBrush2020 ; Blender2.82 ; Substance Painter2019.3.3
25-Oct-21 Admin 248 0
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