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Cholla Cactus Tree

Cholla Cactus Tree
Cholla Cactus Tree
The highly optimized model with High-Resolution texture to give realistic and faster rendering. This product comes with superb quality and Perfect model for closed renders and visualization. Give superb look and feel in gaming engine. Neat and clean polygons and every edge have to mean.

The model has an optimized low poly mesh with the greatest possible number of simplifications that do not affect photo-realism but can help to simplify it, thus lightening your scene and allowing for using this model in the real-time 3d applications.

Real world accurate model. Correctly scale modeled to represent precisely like in real world.

Make your scene light and optimized. Reduce up to 70% render time with this welled optimized model without compromising the quality of output

Subdivisions not required for this product.

This Product is Made for Gaming
14-Oct-21 Admin 128 0
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