Skillshare - Create Abstract NFT Crypto Art with Cinema 4D + Photoshop

Skillshare - Create Abstract NFT Crypto Art with Cinema 4D + Photoshop
Duration 1h 16m Project Files Included MP4
About This Class
Welcome to this course on Creating Abstract NFT Crypto Art Using Cinema 4D + Photoshop.
In this series of lessons we will cover a lot of topics to give you a solid understanding of the crypto art space including:
01. The creative and technical process involved in creating crypto art with an overview of 4 pieces covering 3D modeling, texturing, lighting and post-production.
3D Modeling in Cinema 4D: Splines, Sweep Nurbs, Loft Nurbs, Mograph, Clone to Object, Effectors, Array Generator.
Texturing workflows for consistency using standard materials color, reflectance, and luminance channels.
Sketch and Toon shader.
Directional, spot, area and visible light settings.
Post-Production techniques in Adobe Photoshop including compositing multi-pass and cel renders, file organization, masking, light effects, and adjustment layers.
02. Resources for educating yourself about the crypto art space and cryptocurrency.
Web Links
Crypto Art Podcasts
Cryptocurrency Basics
Art Genres
Top Artists
03. Potential risks you may encounter.
High fees: Ethereum Fee + Gas Fees + Minting Fee
Failed transactions
Missing artwork and solution.
04. Submit your artist profile to various curated websites.
Includes an actionable checklist of to-do items.
Discussion of curated online galleries.
05. Creating your first NFT.