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Plain Steel Atomium Decorative Replica

Plain Steel Atomium Decorative Replica
Plain Steel Atomium Decorative Replica
An object to put on your desk for decorative purpose !

Made with Blender. Rendered with Eevee.

The zip file contains all the maps for the steel and the marble textures, as well as the UVmaps of each object composing the asset and .blend - .fbx - .obj - .stl files of the asset.

Textures :

The frame, the spheres, the holder as well as the screw at the bottom are made out of plain steel : diffuse - roughness - normal - metallic maps (1024x1024p).

The pedestal is composed of black marble : diffuse - roughness - normal maps (512x512p).

The frame, the spheres, the holder, the screw and the pedestal have separated unwrapped UV maps.

THe UV map of the pedestal is overlapping.

Dimensions (Lenght x Width x Height) : 17.9cm x 15.9cm x 22.3cm

Blender modifiers :

No modifier has been applied on Blender.

All parts are shaded smooth with auto-smooth at 30°.

The spheres at the corners : one sphere with mirror modifer on all axies and the central sphere as mirror object.

The central cylinders : one cylinder with mirror modifier on all axies, central sphere as mirror object.

The cylinders on the edges : each group of four edges is composed of one edge with mirror modifier on two axies (depending on its orientation), central sphere as mirror object.

The holder has a level one subdivision modifier for cleaner results.
13-Oct-21 Admin 141 0
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