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Skillshare - Soul Astral Projection Effect - Doctor Strange - Adobe After Effects Tutorial

Skillshare - Soul Astral Projection Effect - Doctor Strange - Adobe After Effects Tutorial
Skillshare - Soul Astral Projection Effect - Doctor Strange - Adobe After Effects Tutorial
Duration 57m Project Files Included MP4
In this After Effects class we are going to learn visual effects by re-creating Marvel Doctor Strange Soul Astral Projection effect. This tutorial is great for Beginner level. This is a fun way to introduce yourself to After Effects, and also learn few skills if you already familiar with this software.

1. Introduction 1:13
2. Amplifying Motion With Time Editing 5:58
3. Time Remaping Technique 5:51
4. Keying Out Using Difference Matte 7:11
5. Keying With Roto Brush Tool 3:08
6. Creating Flying Out Animation 12:47
7. Fixing Foot Problem 5:32
8. Creating Astral Projection Look 6:39
9. Light Impulse 2:02
10. Soul Trails Effect 6:13
02-Oct-21 Admin 213 0
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