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Autodesk Flame 2022.1 x64 Mac

Autodesk Flame 2022.1 x64 Mac
Autodesk Flame 2022.1 x64 Mac
Advanced 3D visual effects software - Flame® software offers tools for fast, interactive 3D visual effects, finishing, compositing, advanced graphics, color grading, conform, editorial, and look development. 3D compositing (Action) Combines the interactive speed of traditional 2D compositing and powerful 3D visual effects. Includes WYSIWYG preview for artists in session.
Node-based compositing (Batch)
Batch, a node-based procedural compositing environment, integrates with the timeline and desktop to combine 2D and 3D elements.

Editorial timeline
Oversee projects, create consistent looks, and correctly match graded and 3D VFX shots. Includes scene detection.

Matchbox API
Lightbox, Matchbox, and PBR shaders let you use GPU-accelerated GLSL shaders to solve challenges in Action's 3D compositing environment.

Action projection tracking
Turn a projection into a UV set for the geometry.

Connected Conform smart merge
Merge new editorial cuts dynamically with work-in-progress shots late in a project.

Python API
Drive the Batch environment via scriptable commands.

Use a scriptable handler to process your images via external renderers.
26-Sep-21 Admin 107 0
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