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Udemy - Learn Programming and Game Development in Godot Engine

Udemy - Learn Programming and Game Development in Godot Engine
Udemy - Learn Programming and Game Development in Godot Engine
Duration 6h Project Files Included MP4
Become a Game Developer!

What you'll learn
- Create games using the Godot Engine
- Write code in GDScript (programming language)
- Create and use custom variables, functions, classes, and objects

- No requirements

In this course, you'll learn the fundamentals of programming and game development using the Godot game engine. You don't need any programming experience to take this course. Everything will be taught as we go. We'll start out by covering the very basics of programming, such as variables, functions, and loops. You'll also learn how to use arrays and dictionaries to store data, and how to control the flow of logic with if-else statements. You'll learn about object-oriented programming (OOP) as we cover classes, objects, and inheritance. You'll become familiar with using nodes and scenes as building blocks for your game, and controlling its behavior through scripts. The course is designed to teach you good programming habits, such as the use of static typing, assertions, and prefixed local variable names. Every line of code will be broken down and explained in detail, so that you'll understand exactly what it does and how. We'll be creating 3 different games in this course: a side-scroller, a trivia game, and a top-down shooter. By the end of the course, you'll have enough programming knowledge to create your own games and applications. You will then be prepared and able to follow along with intermediate-level Godot tutorials and courses with relative ease.

Who this course is for:
- Beginner programmers
- Beginner Godot Engine users
16-Aug-21 Admin 158 0
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