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Udemy - Make a Driving Game in Unity

Udemy - Make a Driving Game in Unity
Udemy - Make a Driving Game in Unity
Duration 27h 30m Project Files Included MP4
What you'll learn

Create a complete driving game in Unity HDRP
Customise different types of cars
Add AI cars and an AI waypoint system to your race tracks
Add a car showroom menu to unlock and buy new cars
Design your own race tracks in Blender
Easy to understand coding to make the game work


You will need a powerful computer capable of running Unity 2021


Make a complete driving game using Unity.

In this course I will show you how to create your own race tracks in Blender. We will then import into Unity and set up different types of race cars including Formula 1 style and racing cars.

Each car will have its own driving style and you can customise each car in the inspector.

This course will also cover:

Different handling on grass, gravel and road surfaces

Setting up AI cars which will compete against you in race mode.

Checkpoints and lap counting

Keeping track of car positions and displaying finish place at the end of the race

Mini map and mini map markers for all cars

Main menu, race track select menu and a car showroom, so you can buy extra cars.

Choosing different colours for the cars you buy

Leaderboard and race stats

Save system to save your credits and high scores

Race customisation system from the track options menu

Keyboard and gamepad control systems

Terrain sculpting and texturing to add extra details

By the end of this course you will have a complete game that you can continue to develop and add to. You will have also developed the skills to go onto develop your own games.

(Please note this is for computer only, it is not designed for mobile gaming)

I look forward to seeing you in my course.
Who this course is for:

If you want to learn how to make games in Unity, then this is the perfect course for you
09-Aug-21 Admin 278 0
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