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The Gnomon Workshop - Optimization For Games - Settings, Materials, Textures & Commands

The Gnomon Workshop - Optimization For Games - Settings, Materials, Textures & Commands
The Gnomon Workshop - Optimization For Games - Settings, Materials, Textures & Commands
Duration 3h 27m Project Files Included MP4
As important as it is to make great art for a game, it's also crucial that your game runs efficiently for an optimal experience. In this 3.5-hour workshop, Environment Artist Rodrigo Brea shares industry techniques for troubleshooting and checking the performance and frame rate of your game project and covers many of the basics as well as the key tools that will help you monitor and find issues as you expand and add assets to a project.

The workshop begins by examining the various aspects of exporting static meshes from Maya as well as how to set up the import settings in Unreal Engine. Rodrigo follows with a more specific look at the important settings within assets that will help reduce the impact on performance; the same applies to textures and materials, as all these elements come to play when your assets go into your game levels.

Software: Substance Designer Maya Substance Painter Unreal
09-Aug-21 Admin 118 0
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