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Poplar / Populus nigra #3

Poplar / Populus nigra #3
Poplar / Populus nigra #3
MAX | FBX | TEX | 3D Models | 242.76 MB
Poplar is 24 meters high with a trunk 55 centimeters in diameter.

Adjusted materials for spring (no leaves, with buds), summer and autumn options.
For the spring version, delete polygons with id 7-11 (leaves and stems).
If desired, for the autumn version, you can diffuse and translate the maps through CoronaMultiMap with a random color of 10% in MeshElement mode for more lively foliage.
It is also possible to get a summer-autumn version by applying a UVWMap to the model in Box mode (MapChannel 3), and blend the materials of green and yellow leaves through a Blend material with a GradientRamp as a mask (screenshot of the gradient settings in the archive).
Poplar shape is easy to change by simply scaling or using FFD.

The bottom of the barrel was done using photogrammetry in Agisoft Fotoscan, the rest using GrowFX.

Leaf material using opacity and clip checked.
The displacement map is present in the barrel material, you can turn it off at far angles.
Trash geometry and groups are missing.
X-form completed, normals not inverted.
Geometry, textures and materials have the correct names, without the Cyrillic alphabet.
Model at the origin, pivot at the base of the trunk.
Renders fast and looks good under standard Corona Sun and Sky lighting.

Number of polygons (Editable Mesh) - 2 725 981, points - 3 358 399
If the tree is too heavy for you in terms of polygon, then you can remove the spring buds (id 6), the number will be reduced by 380 thousand.
04-Aug-21 Admin 137 0
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