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Marmoset Toolbag 4 Library

Marmoset Toolbag 4 Library
Marmoset Toolbag 4 Library
This comes free if you bought Marmoset Toolbag

This time-saving feature offers hundreds of Marmoset-made skies, materials, textures, and presets to assist in creating high-quality artwork and streamlining your workflow.

Diverse Materials
Our growing collection of base materials have been carefully-calibrated with real-world material properties.

For your rendering and texturing needs, a variety of metals, plastics, fabrics, skin and more are all a click away.

Panoramic Views
Take your scene around the world with our vast collection of HDRI Skies.

Hundreds of indoor and outdoor lighting environments at your disposal make capturing the right look and feel of your 3D lighting setup a breeze.
23-Jul-21 Admin 181 0
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