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Toolchefs Atoms Crowd v4.2.0 for Maya

Toolchefs Atoms Crowd v4.2.0 for Maya
Toolchefs Atoms Crowd v4.2.0 for Maya
Atoms Crowd makes crowd animation available to anyone. You don't need any particular skill set to layout your crowd shots and simulate them. You don't believe it, do you? Wait and see! Features and improvements:
- New Joint Parent Constraint clip operator.
- Pole vector is now visible in the Agent Type Viewport (Atoms UI).
- Added option to the Animation Clip viewport (Atoms UI) to display the animated skin mesh.
- Added new metadata widget in the Animation Clip Editor (Atoms UI) to add joint metadatas.
- Added support to Houdini 18.5.633
- Added new "SetJointMetadata" flag on the AddMetadata and CopyMetadata modules.

Bug Fixes:
- AtomsUI does not refresh anymore after registration.
- ACS-316: Clip operators in houdini. Removed the checks on the animation clip length.
- Fixed a bug in the PointFinder module which would crash Atoms in case a non-Vector3Metadata built-in metadata was used.
- AtomsHoudini: fixed a bug in the mesh exporter where it wouldn't export the right textures.
- AtomsHoudini: Draw optimization are hidden (only working in Maya).
23-Jul-21 Admin 152 0
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