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Gumroad - Study to Concept - Vehicles By John J. Park

Gumroad - Study to Concept - Vehicles By John J. Park
Gumroad - Study to Concept - Vehicles By John J. Park
Duration 2h 30m Project Files Included MP4
This is a 2.5 hour tutorial with audio, taking you through the steps of how I approach a vehicle study then proceed to create my own design.

Chapters: (Video files, PSD files, and Tool presets included)

1. Tools - Going over the basic tool preset, brushes, and smudge tools

2. Shapes - Very basic overview of rendering shapes using brushes/tools

3. Study - My method and approach on how I tackle studies

4. Design - I piggy back off what I learned from my study and try to create my own design using similar shapes, colors, and textures
23-Jul-21 Admin 138 0
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