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Eli zero car

Eli zero car
Eli zero car
MAX | FBX | TEX | 3D Models | 57.75 MB
Eli ZERO is the brainchild of a startup from the Middle Kingdom Eli Electric. It is a compact electric car that focuses on those people who live in megacities, as well as in suburban areas.

Eli zero car
Manufacturer: Middle Kingdom Eli Electric
Version: 2011
Preview: No
Units: Millimeters
Armchair Width 1625 / Depth 2027 / Height 1394
Polys: 206,755
Verts: 221,228
XForm: Yes
Box Trick: Yes
Model Parts: 1
Render: V-Ray
Formats: 3Ds Max 2011, OBJ, FBX
Model optimized for smoothing.
23-Jul-21 Admin 141 0
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