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The Gnomon Workshop - Understanding The Principles of Poster Design

The Gnomon Workshop - Understanding The Principles of Poster Design
The Gnomon Workshop ? Understanding The Principles of Poster Design
Duration 4h 44m MP4
Understanding The Principles of Poster Design is an empirical guide to contemporary commercial poster design as well as its ingredients. From storytelling elements, through title treatment design, and technical requirements, to data-influenced design decisions for effective design to convey stories and deliver specific messages to desired audiences.

What is a poster? More importantly: What is the role of a poster? Sit back and relax while learning the complete life cycle of a successful poster ? as mastered by a designer and art director with more than two decades of experience crafting campaigns for entertainment clients. Layer by layer, Tomasz walks through published poster examples and highlights the important cues and techniques that all designers should take note of.

If you?ve ever found yourself wondering how Hollywood?s biggest studios approach poster design, this workshop is for you. Tomasz discusses how to design from within a team, how to overcome challenges, and explains what typical commercial campaigns look like in the real world. This workshop is for graphic designers, visual storytellers, and those that appreciate the art of great design.

Software: Photoshop
18-Apr-21 Admin 259 0
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