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Yiihuu - Blizzard Level 3A UE4 Natural Effects System Application Project

Yiihuu - Blizzard Level 3A UE4 Natural Effects System Application Project
Yiihuu ? Blizzard Level 3A UE4 Natural Effects System Application Project
Duration 14h Project Files Included MP4
This tutorial will let you know how the natural realtime VFX in big games are produced, what advanced skills are needed for a professional visual effect producer, by presenting the power of the particle system of Unreal Engine 4.

The tutorial will offer specific instruction on the methods of producing realtime VFX in natural environments in games, including wind, rain, snow, fire, dust in ruins, haze, etc. The instructor will share with the you his years of experience in techniques and workflow, which he has applied in the visual effect productions in ?Uncharted: The Lost Legacy? and many other big games. Moreover, you will learn how to make natural realtime VFX of stylized forests, as well as crushing effect in cinematic shots.

Software: Unreal Engine 4, 3DS Max, Houdini, Photoshop
12-Apr-21 Admin 202 0
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