VisualsofJulius - Sky Replacement Bootcamp

VisualsofJulius ? Sky Replacement Bootcamp
Duration 6h 30m Project Files Included MP4
Sky Replacement Bootcamp
Only course you will ever need to master sky replacements. Learn through every single imaginable situation and get access to all assets, updates and years of knowledge gathered through trial and error.
Who is this for?
Every photographer will experience horrible weather on photo trips at some point. Images turn out boring and you have a lot of client work to return?
Skies set everything for your images. It sets the tone, highlights, shadows and the overall mood of your shot. Changing a sky can be a complicated thing to master and that is exactly what Sky Replacement Bootcamp is built for..
This course is for you if you have faced problems changing skies and can?t match the foreground with the new sky.
This course is for you if you want to learn the most efficient and fastest workflows to change skies.
This is not your typical short YouTube tutorial where half of the details are left off. This is an ultimate guide for you to learn one of the most crucial parts of editing and I am here to make it simple and efficient for you.