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Swimming pool

Swimming pool
Swimming pool
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 15.12 MB
1. Swimming pool with water
Size: 5000 x 3000 x H1500

2. Waterfall hydromassage ?Cobra?
(Aquaviva Cobra AQ-5070)
Size: 500 x 500 x h700

3. Ladder (Aquaviva Mixta MX-315)
[3 steps]
Size: 500 x 610 x h1550

4. LED lamp
(Aquaviva HT201S)
Size: d260 x h30

The water surface and ripples from the waterfall on different channels can be adjusted independently ? move, rotate, scale (in modifiers) and change the intensity of ripples (in materials)

Polys: 88 326
Verts: 55 964

(Render preview ? corona render)
Material / Version: CORONA1.5 / 2013 MAX, VRAY3.4 / 2013 MAX, STANDART / OBJ

Scope of the 3D model:
, foam, jet, ripple, waves, stairs, steps, lamp,
interior, landscape, 3d, with, model
01-Apr-21 Admin 331 0
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