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Blendermarket - HardOps BoxCutter DecalMachine

Blendermarket - HardOps BoxCutter DecalMachine
Blendermarket ? HardOps BoxCutter DecalMachine
DecalMachine 2.3.0 HOps 00987_Francium_6c & BoxCutter 717_18h

Boxcutter is just a cutter. However, by just a cutter we mean this tool is focused on being the fastest and easy to use 3d view cut tool. If you love Hard Ops then Boxcutter is just another piece of the workflow. Drawing cuts and having real-time feedback is truly the next level of the workflow.

HardOps is a toolkit that encompasses more than just modelling. There are tools pertaining to rendering, mirroring, inserts and even sculpting tools. This is the core of my workflow in Blender and is recommended for anyone doing Hard Surface or just wants to use Blender much more efficiently.

Latest versions as of: 03.24.2021

DECALmachine is a blender addon, which through mesh Decals, allows for surface detailing in a very non-committal, non-destructive, UV-less way. And as such, it represents an alternative approach to hard surface texturing.
Decals can be projected, sliced, created from grease pencil or edges. They can be material matched, and you can easily create your own, as well as export them by baking.
26-Mar-21 Admin 425 0
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