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Terraform4D v1.1.0 for Cinema 4D R21-23 Win x64

Terraform4D v1.1.0 for Cinema 4D R21-23 Win x64
Terraform4D v1.1.0 for Cinema 4D R21-23 Win x64
Terraform4D is a powerful terrain generator plugin for Maxon Cinema 4D R20 ? R23 with artistic control. It allows you to create custom terrain based on layers in a non-destructive way. The workflow is intuitive and flexible, and every aspect of the terrain is always editable. Create terrain from procedural elements, textures, splines or gradients. Apply filters and mask layers with ease! Place mountains, lakes and rivers wherever you want and create geometry in almost any resolution or export maps for use in materials or other 3D applications. Paint your terrain with the Terraform4D operator shader.
26-Mar-21 Admin 262 0
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