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School of Motion - Cinema 4D Ascent

School of Motion - Cinema 4D Ascent
School of Motion ? Cinema 4D Ascent

WEEK 1 ( this post will be updated as the weeks are released)

Basic sculpting tools in Cinema 4D.
How to use Collision and Displace deformers.
How to utilize Generator Objects like Lathe, Atom Array, and Cloth Objects to generate geometry.

Cinema 4D Ascent will teach you the fundamentals of some of the most important and marketable 3D concepts. Over the course of 12 weeks, you?ll go from beginner to intermediate level 3D artist that?s fluent in Cinema 4D and familiar with other 3D tools.

Master 3D concepts in Cinema 4D.
You know Cinema 4D. You understand the foundations, have a good grasp on the tools and basic 3D concepts. But when you look at work from top studios and artists, you know you?re just not there yet. How do you breach the gap? This class will teach you the important, fundamental 3D concepts you need to know to create beautiful renders and tackle any task a studio or client might throw at you.
18-Mar-21 Admin 247 0
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