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Decorative Mimosa Lemon

Decorative Mimosa Lemon
Decorative Mimosa Lemon
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 38.33 MB
Attention! If you are using Corona Renderer, the version must be at least 1.7.2!
If you use V-ray, both Corona Renderer and V-ray 4.3 and higher must be installed!

Decorative set of mimosa with lemons
Material: natural plants
Dimensions: 40x40x1200 cm
Lighting setup is not included in the file!
No additional plugins are required to open the model.
High quality models. Detailed enough for close-up visualization.
The model is highly accurate and based on original sizes and technical data.
In the archive you can find files in the format .max 2014, .max2017, v-ray, corona, .obj, .mtl
25-Feb-21 Admin 281 0
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