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Facade with 20 residential and public low-poly interiors

Facade with 20 residential and public low-poly interiors
Facade with 20 residential and public low-poly interiors
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 139.28 MB
This model includes an assembled facade with low-poly interiors as in the first preview, separately all low-poly objects and materials for creating your own interior, as well as 20 separate modular assembled interiors:

3 living rooms with a kitchen, 3 separate living rooms, 3 kitchens, 3 bedrooms, 3 children?s rooms, an entrance and a staircase hall, a supermarket and a coffee shop.

For each interior, diffuse, glossines, bump and opacity maps were drawn. Each interior has its own multi-material. All materials are appropriately named, all objects in the scene are renamed and placed in separate layers.

Total number of polygons in the file: 366 115

Corona render 1.5
23-Feb-21 Admin 225 0
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