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Helloluxx - Wait Loss for Cinema 4D

Helloluxx - Wait Loss for Cinema 4D
Helloluxx ? Wait Loss for Cinema 4D
Duration 5h 50m Project Files Included MP4
As a motion graphics artist, you need to be on top of your game, both creatively and technically. It doesn?t matter how much faster your systems become, creative demands are getting a lot tougher too. Wait Loss for Cinema 4D is not about teaching you the latest trendy technique or fancy feature, this is about working fast and efficiently; knowing which button to push to get the job done right ? and on time.

Tim touches on virtually every aspect of Cinema 4D, from setting up the program to suit your needs on every project, through to managing larger jobs with multiple shots and assets. Working fast is essential and Tim will show you how to optimise your scenes and objects to get the maximum playback speed whilst working.

Your toolkit of skills will be bursting with tricks to achieve your goals faster, while spending less time on the technical and more time on the creative.

The 350 minutes that comprise this tutorial are spread over 27 chapters, with durations ranging from 3 minutes, up to 35 minutes, affording you fantastic flexibility to do a little or a lot, at any given time. Perhaps a 10 minute chapter while you are waiting for the pasta to cook, or a 4 minute chapter while you wait for your egg to boil!?

So what are we WAITing for?!?! Let?s check-out the chapter contents below to see what Faster & Smarter goodness awaits?
25-Jan-21 Admin 249 0
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