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Udemy - Rhino 3D V6 ( or V5 ) Level 2 Ship Surfacing

Udemy - Rhino 3D V6 ( or V5 ) Level 2 Ship Surfacing
Udemy ? Rhino 3D V6 ( or V5 ) Level 2 Ship Surfacing
Duration 7h 30m Project Files Included MP4

What you?ll learn
This advanced course will focus on a typical design project design from scratch. It will explore the many different functions Rhino can offer in your design projects , no matter how complex it may be.
Better understand how to use the different Rhino 3D tools

This video tutorial is intended for those who wish to expand their surfacing knowledge using Rhino 3D. A step by step video showing the many tools that are at your disposal to create a complex assembly using an X bow ship as the subject of studies. After surfacing the ship s hull we will learn about using blocks and how to update them and finally we will spend time doing a rendering using Vray for Rhino.
22-Jan-21 Admin 277 0
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